GPKeys| Global Public Keys

1. What's GPKeys ?

GPKeys is means Global Public Keys. It store user's public key, it can be get with username, for encrypt or decrypt.

2. Reason:

Generally, use SSL or TLS to encrypt the transmission, but this can only ensure that it is encrypted during network transmission, but your message content is still clear text, so others can still see your message content.This ensures that the encrypted content is not accessible to anyone except the designated person.

3. Require

You must to have public and private keys, You can use OpenSSL to generator Or use our page to generator.

1). Generate Private Key with OpenSSL:

$ genrsa -out private.key 2048

-out: Specifies the file name of the generated private key

2048: The length of private key

2). Generate Public Key with OpenSSL:

$ openssl rsa -in private.key -out public.key -pubout -outform PEM

-in: Specifies the file name of private key

-out: Specifies the file name of the generated public key

outform: Specifies the public key in PEM format to be generated

2. Encrypt/Decrypt

1). Sender: Encrypto with Public Key of receiver

2). Receiver: Decrypt with Private Key of myself

- Because no one else has the recipient's private key, it can't be decrypted.